the developmental project key words: Latvia, New, Entrepreneurship, Lisbon Strategy
Club of Amsterdam 26 - 28 January 2005
Shaping Your Future in Knowledge SocietySummit for the Future Presentations
Technologies driving systemic innovation - Creative destruction of boundariesPresentation by
Bror SalmelinEuropean Commission, New Working Environments
"Starting point: The Lisbon agenda
Lisbon council ....
"To become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based
economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth
with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion."
Knowledge and Skills determines the success of individuals and companies in the global economy
Organisations inhibit or catalyse value creation in knowledge economy, add no value themselves!
Harnessing the creativity and innovation of 450 M Europeans for the knowledge economy ---- the target BEYOND CONSUMERS,WORKERS OR DEPENDENTS: A EUROPE OF CREATORS" Summit for the Future Presentations
. Keynotes
. Trade / Service Industry
. Energy
. Healthcare
. Media & Entertainment
. Science & Services