LNELS 2005
the developmental project key words: Latvia, New, Entrepreneurship, Lisbon Strategy
Saturday, December 31, 2005
The Lisbon strategy
for economic, social
and environmental
"The Lisbon Strategy is a commitment to bring about economic, social and environmental renewal in the EU. In March 2000, the European Council in Lisbon set out a ten-year strategy to make the EU the world's most dynamic and competitive economy. Under the strategy, a stronger economy will drive job creation alongside social and environmental policies that ensure sustainable development and social inclusion.
The Lisbon Strategy touches on almost all of the EU's economic, social and environmental activities. The European Commission's annual Spring Report examines the Strategy in detail. The Spring Report is the only document on the agenda of the Spring European Council, where EU Heads of State and Government assess the progress of the strategy and decide future priorities in order to realize the Lisbon targets."
European Commission, link in 2003 - 2004 http://europa.eu.int/comm/lisbon_strategy/index_en.html
European citizen
Entrepreneurial Foresight Basics |
Knowledge economy | Knowledge society |
Futures studies | Innovation | Language challenge | Foresight |
Political leadership role | Entrepreneurship | Innovative learning society | Foresight culture |
Values | Lisbon process in Member States | Sustainable development | Knowledge management |
our approach and project Personal and business information on OpenBC
Friday, December 30, 2005
European opinions about the Lisbon process
http://europa.eu.int/comm/public_opinion/archives/ebs/ebs_215_en.pdfSpecial Eurobarometer
Survey on the Lisbon agenda in the 25 EU Member States
Interviews were carried out between 27 Oct and 29 Nov 2004.
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Foresighting Europe
EUROPA - Research - Foresighting Europe Newsletter - All issuesNewsletter n°7: 1st quarter 2005 Online - PDF
Newsletter n°6: 4th quarter 2004
Newsletter n°5: April 2004
Newsletter n°4: December 2003
Newsletter n°3: November 2003
Newsletter n°2: June 2003
Newsletter n°1: special issue - March 2003
The newsletter «Foresighting Europe» is prepared by the Science and Technology Foresight Unit of DG Research.
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
the Lisbon strategy and Your futures
Club of Amsterdam 26 - 28 January 2005
Shaping Your Future in Knowledge SocietySummit for the Future Presentations
Technologies driving systemic innovation - Creative destruction of boundariesPresentation by
Bror SalmelinEuropean Commission, New Working Environments
"Starting point: The Lisbon agenda
Lisbon council ....
"To become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based
economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth
with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion."
Knowledge and Skills determines the success of individuals and companies in the global economy
Organisations inhibit or catalyse value creation in knowledge economy, add no value themselves!
Harnessing the creativity and innovation of 450 M Europeans for the knowledge economy ---- the target BEYOND CONSUMERS,WORKERS OR DEPENDENTS: A EUROPE OF CREATORS" Summit for the Future Presentations
. Keynotes
. Trade / Service Industry
. Energy
. Healthcare
. Media & Entertainment
. Science & Services
Saturday, January 22, 2005
I have learned about it from
Harward Business School Working Knowledge
Fredrik Wackå, Swedish publications professional CorporateBlogging.Info: About this site
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Also about
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we find many values - to conversate, and convert knowledge into entrepreneurial actions in Latvia
Monday, December 20, 2004
The #1 Word of the Year for 2004 was BLOG
Business Opportunities Weblog Dane Carlson: "I built this site because I'm an entreprenuer to the core, and am always on the lookout for new opportunities."
Steve Barth’s Personal Knowledge Management Site
Self-organization Personal knowledge management for individual and enterprise
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Forward Studies (Riga, Latvia)
Review of 2003 - 2004
"Latvia towards Knowledge Societies of
Europe: new options for entrepreneurship and employment achieving the goals of the Lisbon Strategy"
The LNELS project
as of 2005
Entrepreneurial Foresight Network (EFN) was born from the LNELS project (see: http://arturspuga.blogspot.com/2004/07/about-blog-objectives.html)
The knowledge blog provides the platform (shared context / Ba place) for thinking, conversation, conversion, research and the project activities.
The latest project information is to be posted both
on EFN and LNELS blogs.
It is for Latvians, Europeans, everybody interested in the research model.
Strategy for continuing development
The project has been developed in phases.
Key Milestones
Phase 1 - the Set Up (May - July 2003)
- Workshops (the LNELS team) aimed at the project resources
and outcomes scoping
- Identification of research priorities
- Setting up website and learning space
- Publishing information in scientific bulletins and newspapers
- Mapping stakeholders and collaborators
- The project's presentations (available on-line)
to create insight into European foresight research and activities
meeting the Lisbon objectives
Phase 2 - Scanning and Research in Panels (August - December 2003)
- Designing Panels
- Establishing Project Database
- Background intelligence gathering
- Foresighting on the selected topics with focus on the mid-term horizon (workshops, brainstorming via Internet, participation in European foresight exercises, Delphi)
- Publishing online journale "Forsaits Latvijā" (Foresight in Latvia)
- Drafting an article "Social challenges facing Latvia: problems of identification.
Foresight research outputs"
Phase 3 - Synthesis of Panels (January - July 2004)
- Evaluating Panels
- Synthesis of findings - a set of Entrepreneurial Foresight Basics
- Final version of the contribution to the collection of articles "Latvia in Europe: Visions of the Future" (in Latvian and English, published by BCSS, Latvian Academy of Sciences)
- Building the project's Knowledge Platform - Entrepreneurial Foresight Network
Phase 4 - Networking in Europe (August - December 2004)
- Validation of the project framework and first outcomes presented in international conferences and workshops in Europe
- Co-organizing the international conference"Knowledge Society and Implementation of the Lisbon Strategy in Europe and Latvia"
- Collaboration with KnowledgeBoard (European KM Community)
- Knowledge blogging
- Report on the project, under contract with the Latvian Council of Science (04.1096) "Latvia towards Knowledge Societies of Europe: New Options for Entrepreneurship and Employment Achieving the Goals of the Lisbon Strategy".
Phase 5 - New Knowledge Platform for Strategic Thinking and Entrepreneurial Capabilities (January - December 2005)
A foresighted planning implies research on/implementation of the developmental project up to the end of 2010
Slides (pps)
Monday, December 06, 2004
Knowledge Anywhere Anytime - or "The Social Life of Knowledge" - Workshop Report - 13 Jul 2004KnowledgeBoard
Within the scope of its preparations for the design and launch of activities under the European Research Framework Programme VII - which will start in 2007 - DG Information Society held a number of exploratory workshops during 2004 .
Knowledge is created by people in the context of the communities, networks and teams in which they work. Knowledge emerges through conversations, connections and relationships of people with their peers, known and unknown. Knowledge surfaces through dialog and is socially mediated. Access to knowledge is by connecting to people that know or know who to contact and making possible the rich interactions which enable knowledge to emerge."
December 2004
January 2005
April 2005
May 2005
December 2005